Monday 29 July 2013



NAME: Tai Kamiya
AGE: 11years
CHARACTERISTICS: The adventurous leader of the DigiDestined and the older brother of Kari Kamiya. He is characterized as being stubborn and thick-headed, but also cheerful and brave.Tai is the main protagonist of Digimon Adventure and the leader of the original DigiDestined. His aggressive and impulsive personality often puts him in danger but he eventually learns that empathy and compassion are the keys to success rather than reckless courage.Aside from his role as leader of The DigiDestined, Tai is also the star player on his school's soccer team and he is best friends with Sora Takenouchi, another member of The DigiDestined.

NAME: Matt Ishida
AGE: 11years
DIGIMON: Gabumon
CHARACTERISTICS: Matt lives with his father alone in Odaiba due to a divorce between his parents.This leads to an awkward relationship between his mother and himself, as he feels that they treat each other more as strangers instead of family, as well as pressures him to prioritize T.K.'s safety. In the English version, there was a dub error where Matt indicates that they are half-brothers when in fact they were full brothers.Matt is regarded as "cool" by his peers and is seen as a "born rebel" who "prefers to do things his own way."  However, he can be passionate and emotional as well and behind his façade, lies an "introspective, sensitive side" that comes mostly through his younger brother T.K, whom he is fiercely protective of. He takes caution in the Digital World and often clashes with Tai Kamiya because of the leader's recklessness. Matt owns a harmonica and plays it frequently, usually when he is resting.

NAME: Sora Takenouchi
AGE: 11years
DIGIMON: Biyomon
CHARACTERISTICS:  Despite being somewhat of a tomboy, she takes caution in the Digital World because of Tai's recklessness and serves as the mother figure of the DigiDestined. In addition to her role as a member of the DigiDestined, Sora is best friends with Tai Kamiya and a member of his soccer team along with Izzy. Sora is a very reliable person and tries to take care of the other kids. 

NAME: Izzy Izumi
AGE: 10years
DIGIMON: Tentomon
CHARACTERISTICS: A very intelligent and logical thinker, despite being amongst the youngest of the group. He is also a computer expert and constantly uses his laptop.He is a computer expert and lives with his adoptive parents. When he initially found out that he was adopted, he began to subconsciously distance himself from his parents, focusing more on his computer instead. This issue was resolved once his parents came forward with the truth and he accepted them as his true parents.

NAME: Mimi Tachikawa
AGE: 10years
CHARACTERISTICS: She is characterised by her blunt and outspoken nature.Mimi was most affected by the events taking place around The DigiDestined, to the point where she refused to fight as she did not want any more of their Digimon friends from getting hurt. However, she eventually realizes that she has to fight in order to save the Digital World. Although initially seen as being selfish, Mimi is loving and greatly loyal to her friends.

NAME: Joe Kido
AGE: 12years
DIGIMON: Gomamon
CHARACTERISTICS: The oldest of the group. He is dependable and thoughtful, although he is always a worrywart. He tries to act as the voice of reason within the group. Joe loves to study and he wants to become a doctor in the future. He is very responsible and tries his best to take care of the others and make sure they stay safe.

NAME: T.K (Takeru) Takaishi
AGE: 8years
DIGIMON: Patamon
CHARACTERISTICS: The youngest of the group and the younger brother of Matt. A bright child, he grows from being reliant on others to being as much of a fighter as they are. He is gentle, sweet-natured, and generous. He is also obedient and follows the DigiDestined's lead without complaints. He is also described as Kari Kamiya's "equal." 

NAME: Kari Kamiya
AGE: 8years
DIGIMON: Gatomon
CHARACTERISTICS: Gentle but frail, Kari joins the group after the other DigiDestined and is the younger sister of Tai.She did not attend summer camp with the other members of the original DigiDestined due to poor health. She is characterised as a compassionate girl who always puts others before herself. She is seen as an equal to T.K. Kari also admires Tai.