Monday 29 July 2013




On August 1, 1999, seven children from Japan are suddenly thrust into a strange dimension called the "Digital World" while they are at summer camp. During their adventure, children TaiMattSoraIzzyMimiJoe, and T.K., discover that they are in a land where digital creatures called "Digimon" dwell. Befriending seven of the Digimon, the children learn that they have the ability to help their partners digitally evolve (digivolve) into stronger, powerful forms that can combat enemies for a short amount of time. Setting off on their journey, the children start searching for a way home.
Arc 1 (episodes 1-13)
The children later learn that they are the "DigiDestined", chosen children with compatibilities with Digimon, and they are the only hope in destroying the evil that is slowly consuming the Digital World. The culprit eventually reveals himself to be Devimon, who sent Black Gears to brainwash other Digimon into attacking the children to take control of File Island, and breaks up the island scattering the Digidestined across the fragments. As the Digidestined make their way back to the centre of File Island, Devimon has his only loyal servant Ogremon, and the enslaved Leomon target T.K. and Patamon, as the two are the ones prophesised to destroy him. Fortunately, as the Digidestined reunite with the freed Leomon, Patamon digivolves to Angemon for the first time, destroying Devimon at the cost of his own life and is reborn as a Digimon Egg. However, Devimon is only the beginning as a mysterious being contacts them.
Arc 2 (episodes 14-21)
The mysterious being identifies himself as Gennai, asking the DigiDestined to travel to the continent Server to defeat his enemies. The Digidestined also learn from Gennai that they have the ability to help their Digimon digivolve further with the power of Crests and Tags. They discover the Tags with the help of Whamon, who then transports them to Server. However, on their second day on the continent, a powerful new enemy reveals himself. Etemon, who runs his Dark Network across the continent, wishes to destroy the Digidestined, and attempts to prevent them from obtaining the Crests. After several conflicts with Etemon's forces, all the Crests apart from Sora's are found. The Digidestined are then contacted by Datamon, who is being forced to run the Dark Network from inside Etemon's headquarters, an upside down pyramid. The Digidestined infiltrate the pyramid and manage to free Datamon, but he immediately betrays them, kidnapping Sora and Biyomon and evading Etemon. After Izzy manages to determine that Datamon is hiding in a secret room underneath the main pyramid, the Digidestined break in again, rescuing Sora. Datamon planned to copy Sora and use her Crest, which he discovered, to have Biyomon destroy Etemon. However, with that plan foiled, Datamon infects the Dark Network with viruses, to have it absorb Etemon. The attack destroys Datamon, Etemon's remaining forces and his fortress, but Etemon survives, grafted onto the heart of the Network and more powerful than ever. Tai, who has managed to activate his Crest through bravery, helps Agumon digivolve to MetalGreymon, who destroys Etemon and his Dark Network for good. Unfortunately, Etemon's destruction opens a rift that pulls Tai and Metalgreymon into the Real World, where they encouter several mysteries. Firstly, barely minutes have passed since the Digidestined disappeared, and when Tai goes to his house, his little sister Kari recognises Koromon. Although they receive a transmission from Izzy pleading with them not to return to the Digital World, Tai realises he must go back to stop evil Digimon crossing a dimensional gate from the Digital World to enter Earth. Kari's part in the tale is not over however, as a new Digivice has appeared in the Kamiya household.
Arc 3 (episodes 22-39)
Tai returns to the Digital World to round up the DigiDestined, where he learns of another threat, Myotismon, who, through his minion Demidevimon, has scattered the Digidestined and caused some to become disillusioned, preventing them from working together and activating their Crests. Tai's return sparks the reunion of the Digidestined, with Matt, Sora and Izzy managing to have their partners digivolve to higher levels. Myotismon then decides to enter the Real World to capture a pre-destined eighth DigiDestined child. The DigiDestined follow Myotismon to their hometown, where they discover that all seven of them saw a fight between a Greymon and a bird-like Digimon at Highton View Terrace 4 years ago, the event that caused them to become Digidestined. They also deduce that the eighth child must have also been present, and start searching. However, Myotismon's henchmen are also searching, leading to several battles between the two sides. On the second day of the search, Gatomon, one of Myotismon most loyal servants, encounters Kari and is seemingly unable to attack the child. With the help of her old friend Wizardmon, she then realises that Kari is the eighth child, and she is her partner. The two Digimon find Kari's Digivice, which Wizardmon gives to Tai to protect Kari. They then attempt to retrieve her Crest, which Myotismon has in his possession. Myotismon then attacks the two, leaving Wizardmon for dead, and kidnapping Gatomon. Myotsimon then isolates the district using a fog barrier, and begins rounding up the citizens in a Convention Centre to have Gatomon identify the child. While Tai, Kari, Izzy and Matt and their Digimon all manage to evade capture, Joe and T.K. are trapped outside of the town when the fog hits, and Mimi, Palmon and Sora are captured. Tai entrusts Kari to Matt, and sets off to rescue the people from the Convention centre. Although Sora and Mimi lead an escape attempt which sees Palmon digivolve to Lilymon for the first time, Myotismon foils the plan, forcing Sora to escape with her savior Biyomon, along with the defeated Lilymon. While Izzy and Tentomon decide to try and destroy the TV station from which the fog barrier is being projected, Joe and T.K. are attacked while crossing the river, causing Gomamon to digivolve to Zudomon to save them. They then find Wizardmon, who now has Kari's Crest. Sora finds Matt and Kari, but an attack by Myotismon's forces causes Kari to hand herself over to end the fighting. As Tai rescues Mimi, Matt, Sora, Joe, T.K. and Wizardmon arrive at the TV station, where Myotismon has also appeared with Gatomon to kill Kari. A ferocious battle ensues, which only ends when Tai arrives with Kari's Digivice, and Wizardmon sacrifces himself to save Gatomon and Kari from a death blow from Myotismon. This causes Gatomon to digivolve to Angewomon who then destroys Myotismon. However, a prophecy comes true, with Myotismon transforming into the colossal Vemonmyotismon. The Digivolution of Agumon and Gabumon into their Mega forms allows the Digidestined to destroy Vemonmyotismon. When the fog barrier finally lifts, the DigiDestined realize that the Digital World has grown worse since their departure, when it appears in the sky above their world.

Arc 4 (episodes 40-54)
Upon returning, the Dark Masters, four elite evil Digimon, reveal themselves to be the true culprits behind every enemy the DigiDestined had faced thus far, and have used their absence to transform the Digital World into four territories that make up Spiral Mountain. The Dark Masters almost destroy the Digidestined in their first fight, and it is only with the sacrifices of Chuumon and Piximon that they are saved. The Digidestined then fight the master of the oceans Metalseadramon, who kills their old ally Whamon, only to be destroyed seconds later by Wargreymon. The Digidestined begin to fight amongst themselves as they enter the forest, the domain of Puppetmon, causing Matt to leave the group. Puppetmon's ally Cherrymon manages to talk Matt into fighting Tai, but the fight stops when an unidentified creature contacts the children through Kari. The being shows them that they were chosen by higher powers that balance the Digital World to become Digidestined, when the battle at Highton View Terrace took place. Digimon, Digivices and Crests were created, and although the Dark Masters managed to steal and scatter the Crests, Gennai managed to save the Digimon, only losing Gatomon on the journey to File Island. Following these revelations, Matt decides to leave the group again to work out his place in it, and Mimi also chooses to part company, as she is sick of the fighting which has claimed many of their friends. With Joe resolving to protect Mimi, the rest of the group launch an attack on Puppetmon's mansion. Joe and Mimi do not find the peace they seek, as Etemon, having finally managed to reconstitute himself as Metaletemon, finds and attacks them. They evade him with the help of an injured Ogremon and Leomon, who has gained the ability to digivolve to Sabreleomon. Tai's group manages to defeat Puppetmon, and although he brings his mansion to life, he is destroyed when Matt and Metalgarurumon reappear briefly. Metaletemon attacks Joe and Mimi again, and Sabreleomon is forced to sacrifce himself to help Zudomon destroy him. The two children then set out to gather allies for the final battle, while Tai's group enter the city of Machinedramon. Tai confronts personal demons when Kari becomes ill on his watch, and the group are spilt apart when Machinedramon attacks them, sending them falling into the sewer. While, Sora, Kari and T.K rescue enslaved Numemon, Tai and Izzy find an old friend in the form of Andromon. Although the partner Digimon are exhausted, the Numemon's sacrifice to save Kari causes her to release a powerful light enabling Wargreymon to destroy Machinedramon in a single attack. The group then set off to the summit of Spiral Mountain to battle Piedmon, only for Tai to tell Sora and T.K. to reunite the rest of the group. Joe leaves Mimi to find Matt, and only discovers him after Matt has escaped from a cave created from his own inner darkness. The two then help T.K. rescue Sora from a similar cave, and arrive back at the top of Spiral Mountain, just in time to save Tai and Wargreymon. Although Metalgarurumon evens the odds, Piedmon converts them and most of the Digimon and children into key-chains. When only T.K., Kari and Patamon are left, T.K.'s Crest of hope activates, and the newly digivolved Magnaangemon uses his power to rescue the other children and destroy Piedmon, just as Mimi arrives with her own army to counter Piedmon's Vilemon. With the last Dark Master defeated, Spiral Mountain disintegrates and the true evil, Apocalymon reveals himself to be their final enemy. Although he destroys the Crests, and turns the Digidestined to data, the Digidestined use their inner power to help their Digimon digivolve to their highest levels. Apocalymon is defeated, with his final attack being contained by the Digivices, and the Digital World begins to rebuild, starting with File Island. The children return to the Real World, supposedly never to return, leaving their Digimon partners behind, although Tai asserts that he is sure the portal between the two worlds won't be shut forever.

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